BadgerLink is a free service to all Wisconsin residents. Here you will find databases for research, practice tests for ACT/SAT/AP, Archived Wisconsin newspapers, Auto Repair guides, encyclopedias, Consumer Reports Magazine, and Historical Society records.Universal Class offers patrons access to lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs). ore than 500 courses are available, and all are designed and led by professional instructors to build deeper understanding and mastery of subject matter. Universal Class includes videos, assignments, quizzes, discussions, activities, and options for social media interaction with other learners. Patrons may take multiple classes and learn at their own pace.Transparent Language can help you learn a new language with a selection of more than 100 languages. From Afrikaans to Zulu, it offers skill-building activities in the four key components of learning a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through dozens of activities ranging from pronunciation practice to typing tasks, you’ll delve fully into your new language. Transparent Language also provides English courses for speakers of more than 25 languages, from beginner lessons to immersive material for intermediate and advanced learners.Scholastic Go! is a database that the Kohler Public Library provides to you. Here you will find research content for elementary school students. Specifically, this resources links to US State profiles that 5th grades use during their state projects.